Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Education and Information

If you have ever woken up to find your blood sugar levels have taken a sunrise hike of their own, you’re not alone. This normal occurrence is called the dawn phenomenon. Let’s explore what it is, what causes it, and what you can do to help combat it.

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Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Health and Wellness

Whether you were just diagnosed with diabetes, recently moved, or are ready for a change, selecting an endocrinologist for diabetes is important to keeping your diabetes management on track.

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Posted by Que Dallara on in Education and Information

As someone living with diabetes, you know better than anyone all the mental bandwidth diabetes eats up on a daily basis.

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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle
Three days I will never forget

I’m Jaime, a Medtronic Employee who’s been living with type 1 diabetes since I was three years old and wearing an insulin pump for the last 20+ years. 

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Innovation

Wake up. Correct high from dawn phenomenon. Calculate carbs for breakfast. Deliver bolus. Check sugar levels. Calculate. Deliver. Check. Calculate some more and deliver again. 

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Health and Wellness

When summer rolls around, people with diabetes like to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather like anyone else.

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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle
Educating my child about diabetes

I’m Jaime, a Medtronic employee, and a parent living with diabetes. 

We taught our daughter how to call 9-1-1 when she was three years old. 

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Education and Information
What is insulin resistance?
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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle
5 Summer tips for people with diabetes
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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Education and Information

If you notice your blood sugar is trending down or you are nearing hypoglycemia, you should eat a quick snack to get back in range. However, it’s important not to overdo it.

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