How to love and support someone with diabetes

Today we're throwing it back to some of our favorite advice on how to best support the person you love with diabetes. These tips come from our very own Medtronic Champions, shared last Valentine's Day.
My husband and I have been together quite some time, so I understand what it’s like to live with someone who has diabetes. The hardest part for me is that I don’t know what having diabetes feels like. When my husband is a little on the annoyed side because his blood sugar is high, I don’t always understand why my innocent question triggered a snap. I try hard to understand how things might affect his blood sugars, like did he have a stressful day at work? Are the kids making him run around way too much? Or, maybe it has nothing to do with his blood sugars and because he’s human, is he just having a bad day?
I hope that if you have someone important in your life who you appreciate, you’ll share these tips/notes of affection with them.
Jill: “Learn about it. You are in this together.”
Mary: “I know it can be hard living with me when my BS are low and high. I live with a disease, I try very hard to control! Please be patient and don’t nag me, because I love you.”
David: “T1D can be very tough on both of us. Please know I won’t always be easy to live with but, our commitment to each other is the power we will use to be together for a long, long time. Thank you for what you do for me!”
Troy: “BE PATIENT. We have good days and bad days and sometimes the bad days are really bad, so please be patient. We still love you and appreciate everything you do for us.”
Kurt: “Listen before advising me, offer foods but don’t push, and walk this adventure by my side!”
Phyllis: “I keep wanting to write a thank you, not a tip. Even though I have had diabetes for a long time, I still need help. If you think I have a low blood sugar or am acting funny, don’t assume I am aware of it. Ask me how I feel, or if I need juice, or suggest I check my blood sugar. Though don’t be alarmed if I snap, ‘I feel fine,’ but know after you say it I will do the right thing.”
Nikki: “Educate yourself! Being knowledgeable about diabetes is the most helpful thing you could do for your partner.”
Dan’elle: “I would have to say to them… Even when my mood is not at its best, remember to not take it personally because my diabetes is having an off day but I know you’ll stick with me no matter what and I still love you every day for doing so too!”
Debi: “I can be mad, grumpy or emotional and not because of my blood sugar.”
Karen: “Learn along with and from the person in your life on what they have to do, what to look for with a low or high BS, know what to do to care for them. Patience is a must from time to time.”
Liisa: “There will be times when a person with diabetes’ sugar goes low and they say something or do something that will get their spouse very, very angry and frustrated. It should NEVER be taken as an insult or derogatory statement – SOME lows are completely uncontrollable. I have advised my husband to discuss such events with me well AFTER the fact!”
Sarah: “Ask questions, don’t assume things. Pay attention to new treatments, studies and technology! It shows you care about me and my health.”
Have your own tips to share? Leave a comment!