Setting a Temporary Basal Rate

Device: MiniMed™ 630G insulin pump (MMT-1715K)

A temporary basal rate allows you to temporarily change your current basal rate for a period of time that you specify. When setting a temp basal, the pump will automatically stop you from programming a rate or percentage that is higher than your current Max Basal rate.

To set a temporary basal rate:

1. Press right to Basal and press select.

2. Select Temp Basal.

3. To change the Duration, press Up to the desired time and press select.

4. Select Next.

5. The Type defaults to Percent. Select Type to change to Rate from Percent or back again. Enter the percentage of the current basal rate you wish to deliver, or enter a basal rate, making sure not to exceed your max basal.

6. Select Review to check the temp basal setting

7. Select Begin to start delivering the temp basal.

8. The Basal option on the Home screen will display a (T) while the temp basal is running.

To cancel a temporary basal rate:

1. Press right to Basal (T) and press select.

2. Select Cancel Temp Basal.

3. Confirm the cancellation of the temp basal rate.