Naomi is a Medtronic employee. Thoughts and opinions are her own, and individual results may vary.
Donating blood is a selfless way to help others. A variety of medical conditions require regular blood transfusions — and regular blood donations make this possible.
We know that for those with Medicare coverage, it’s been long awaited to have the Medtronic integrated continuous glucose monitor (CGM) covered, and we’re thrilled to announce that the wait is over. Medicare has officially expanded to include CGMs that integrate with Medtronic insulin pumps.
Whether you learned it from a movie or a CNN report, you probably know e
Whether you’re new to Medtronic therapy or have been with us for many years, we are committed to providing you the best service and support we can. Our goal is to provide extraordinary experiences that you will remember for years to come!
Whether you like to hit the slopes snowboarding or skiing, hike up the windswept trails of a snowy mountain or simply sit ou
Exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body when you have diabetes.
Managing sugar and carb consumption is an important part of living with diabetes. However, sometimes it’s not obvious how much sugar is in the food we eat. Here are some of the ways to spot "hidden" sugars.
Pursuing your vision of ideal health as a person with diabetes is not always a straight path. There are ups and downs all along the way. Sometimes a down period makes sense—you may be having a hard time keeping up with treatment or external factors could be affecting your health.
Almost 100 years ago, the first successful insulin shot was delivered to a 14-year-old boy. Since that day, insulin has become a bigger, if not the biggest, part of managing diabetes.