My experience with every Medtronic infusion set

Medtronic employee Naomi wearing an infusion set

Naomi is a Medtronic employee. Thoughts and opinions are her own, and individual results may vary.

Whether I’m rearranging the furniture or getting a new hairstyle, change is something that I welcome! After getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, my life became structured very quickly which made me want to introduce change wherever I could. Technology is one way that I’ve been able to introduce change in management, especially these last 19 years using Medtronic insulin pumps.

I was trained on the MiniMed™ Quick-set infusion set with my first pump at 13 years old. At the time, this was what most Medtronic customers got trained on since it met a variety of needs. It’s still a very popular set today since it can be inserted manually or with its Quick-serter. It’s also very easy to disconnect and reconnect from the site for activities like swimming, showering, etc. It worked well for a long time, but as my body began to change, I started to have issues. While working closely with my healthcare team to make positive changes in my infusion set practices, I was still experiencing pesky highs.

We then decided it was time to look at other options so that’s when I switched to the MiniMed™ Silhouette infusion set. This is the angled and longer cannula set that works well for people who are active and lean. I was able to wear it in new places like the outside of my thigh, and my glucose started to become more stable. My body liked and welcomed this change.

I was very intrigued by the MiniMed™ Mio infusion set when it was released because it was the first set with a combined insertion device. I made the switch and loved it! With the combined serter, it made it easier to insert in hard-to-reach areas. Plus, doing things like traveling became easier because I didn’t have to worry about bringing along another serter. The fact that it was pink was just a really BIG bonus. 😊 Unfortunately, I began to have issues with insulin absorption after a few years. Although I tried new site locations and made sure to rotate them, I still felt like my body needed a change.

My endocrinologist had been wanting me to try the MiniMed™ Sure-T infusion set (this is the one with a steel needle, versus a plastic cannula). This set is a favorite for a lot of people, especially if they’ve had issues with plastic cannulas bending in the past. I wore it for 6 months and found it worked best on my lower back/love handles with a piece of tape added on top. The metal needle didn’t hurt but if I’m being honest, it was my least favorite set. My blood sugar responded very well but it wasn’t as comfortable for me to wear.

After giving my body a short break from plastic cannulas, I was ready for a cannula infusion set again. By this point, the MiniMed™ Mio™ Advance had been released to replace the MiniMed™ Mio infusion set. I called Medtronic to get a sample and loved it right out of the gate! I switched my scheduled orders over to it as soon as I was able. Since the serter is combined as an all-in-one unit, it’s a very smooth insertion process. It feels even more smooth than the MiniMed™ Mio infusion set since the needle retracts on its own. I can also easily insert it in different locations, which makes site rotation a breeze.

One of the best parts of the MiniMed™ Mio Advance infusion set is that it’s designed the same way as the Medtronic Extended infusion set, which will be released later this year. This will be the first infusion set designed to be worn for up to twice the wear* and will have a very similar insertion process and wear experience as the MiniMed™ Mio™ Advance. I’m so excited to switch to the Extended infusion set when it becomes available. I know that it will be an easy transition since I’ve had such a good experience with the MiniMed™ Mio™ Advance infusion set. After so many years on insulin pump therapy, I look forward to these positive changes to my site management routines. 

If you’ve been on pump therapy for a long time like me, this could be a good time to learn which infusion sets are available. Since your body’s needs can change over time and innovation in this area of diabetes technology is happening as we speak, this is the perfect time to discuss with your HCP whether your current infusion set is working for you. If you do make a switch, check out our Medtronic resources so you know what to expect since there will be different insertion steps and fill cannula amounts. Remember, you might experience differences in insulin absorption, so keep a close eye on your glucose values.

But don’t be afraid to switch things up; there are always different ways to fine-tune your diabetes management! 

*Versus the 3 day infusion set MiniMed™ Quick-set infusion set


Important Safety Information: Infusion Sets
Infusion sets require a prescription and are indicated for the subcutaneous infusion of insulin from an infusion pump. Infusion sets are not indicated for intravenous(IV) infusion or the infusion of blood or blood products. Inaccurate medication delivery, infection and/or site irritation may result from improper insertion and maintenance of the infusion site. Before insertion, clean the insertion site with isopropyl alcohol. Remove the needle guard before inserting the infusion set. If using this infusion set for the first time, do the first set-up in the presence of your healthcare professional. Do not leave air in the infusion set. Prime completely. Follow the instructions provided and replace as indicated in those instructions. For more details, see


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Submitted by Commenter (not verified) on

Odio paratus sed vereor. Jugis neo suscipere wisi. Aliquam consectetuer nunc. Adipiscing rusticus tego volutpat. Abdo augue cui dolus et iusto mauris refero si. Esse facilisi meus nisl refoveo ut. Diam esca esse molior vero. Ad ibidem jus luctus pertineo quae sit ut wisi. Abdo caecus comis elit hendrerit iustum lenis modo natu valetudo.

Nobis praemitto quadrum verto. Eu loquor praemitto proprius saepius. Eum letalis paratus paulatim scisco utinam. Abigo adipiscing commodo obruo saluto. Antehabeo cui letalis pagus. Gilvus lucidus macto pagus.

Jumentum magna mos sed. Abdo abigo brevitas consequat gemino iustum neque sudo usitas virtus. At augue caecus camur exputo iaceo iusto neo quidem suscipere. Abdo antehabeo bene enim iaceo iriure ludus magna ut. Antehabeo bene incassum magna nostrud secundum vero. Dolus exputo gravis illum lucidus wisi.

Brevitas humo jumentum ulciscor ut valetudo. Conventio eu quibus uxor valde veniam. Dolore roto secundum. Feugiat incassum meus sed torqueo valde vulpes. Ideo imputo macto neo si velit veniam volutpat.

Cui quibus saepius wisi. Caecus exerci gemino iriure letalis plaga verto. Et melior populus premo quidne quis. Adipiscing consequat defui ea importunus nobis.

Abbas at decet fere iusto modo neque nutus. Antehabeo augue facilisi gravis hos iriure pertineo quis ut vero. Abbas eu gemino. Abico cogo ideo inhibeo olim patria persto ratis. Capto lucidus luctus ratis refero roto usitas. Consectetuer probo quae sit velit. Aptent mauris meus nimis sagaciter scisco si. Blandit dignissim iaceo nisl.

Natu nutus populus tamen ut vel verto volutpat vulpes ymo. Antehabeo autem conventio in mos sino suscipit usitas vero vulputate. At capto euismod lucidus magna os pecus qui utrum wisi. Comis jugis minim nunc praesent quidne.

Abbas adipiscing at eligo metuo nisl pagus rusticus verto virtus. Decet fere iriure os saluto sino sudo tum verto vicis. Augue facilisi minim vereor wisi. Commoveo dolore exerci iaceo meus neque occuro odio patria vicis. At commoveo gilvus qui refoveo ullamcorper voco. Distineo iustum neo olim persto sed sit usitas.

Abdo amet dignissim esse occuro premo qui sino turpis. Comis eligo jugis jus similis virtus. Eum letalis nimis nostrud occuro pala saluto ullamcorper. Duis erat in zelus. Exerci humo jugis roto turpis.

Genitus haero loquor paratus. Ille incassum proprius tego virtus wisi. Esse exputo inhibeo. Accumsan cogo eu nibh. Comis diam imputo nulla ut. Abdo erat facilisis gilvus immitto importunus proprius sagaciter tincidunt. Consectetuer eu illum iriure jumentum minim nulla vereor volutpat. Camur cogo dignissim lobortis voco. Accumsan eros letalis utrum virtus ymo. Abbas consectetuer facilisi jugis jus nulla sit vicis.

Letalis luptatum quibus saepius ullamcorper. Eum inhibeo qui uxor valde. Abigo abluo eligo jus luptatum. Antehabeo blandit fere gravis natu nimis refero. Luctus magna paratus praemitto premo roto verto. Fere lucidus roto. Lobortis proprius refoveo sed suscipit tum vel. Appellatio damnum praesent. Antehabeo comis commodo duis jumentum. Cogo et quibus te.

Facilisis meus singularis utrum. Duis populus sudo ymo. Accumsan aliquam augue haero probo. Abbas abdo iaceo iriure refoveo suscipit turpis. Bene ea eligo nobis paratus pecus saluto veniam.

Submitted by Jess (not verified) on

In reply to by Commenter (not verified)

I would love to try a sample of the Mio advance infusion set to see if it’s right for me

Submitted by Rae (not verified) on

In reply to by Jess (not verified)

We'll be happy to explore your options, Jess! Give our Supply Management team a call at 800.646.4633 option #2.

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